08 March 2011

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen. I like Charlie Sheen.

I think that he is a good actor.

I like his show Two and a half Men.

I think that right now he's acting like an A$$hole.

I think he needs help.

I think he doesn't know he needs help.

I think he's reaching out in his own peculiar way.

I hope that people won't forget all the good things about Charlie Sheen.

I hope that Charlie finds his way before it is too late.

I like Charlie Sheen.

03 March 2011

My widgets are home!!!

Whooooooo hoooooooooo.....my widgets are home! Never did I know how aggravating they could be when not in their proper places. But now all is good and I can move on. :)

And I'll move on to Will's Arrow of Light ceremony images. These were taken in November 2010 but I'm just now getting around to editing. Here are some of my favorites....